Saturday, September 6, 2008

Taos Pueblo

We went to Taos Pueblo on Friday afternoon. It was truely educational on the tour. I hope my children were able to learn something about the culture here. I need to remember that I see different people groups and historical sites through the eyes of 38 years of experience, education, and my learned culture. When asked, my children will share what impacted them, and I am amazed that it is not what I was hoping would impact them.

I know this is where God is working in me. I need to let it go and allow God to impart to them what is important to His heart.

Check out thier website:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Day 2 of homeschooling

We laughed, we cried, we sang, we got angry. This day was full of emotions and all this was before lunch. I do not know why, but today was so much more difficult. It was actually work. Our first day was so much fun, we breezed through all the materials, the kids caught on quickly, the were eager to learn. Today, what could go be more opposite and different than day 1 was so.

Welcome to life as a homeschooler.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Possible new job assignments

We just talked to Mary's nursing recruiter, it looks like we applied for a Nursing position in:
+ Tucson, AZ,
+ Falls Church, VA
+ Baltimore, MD
+ San Antonio, TX

I am leaning towards something in the south like Texas or AZ but not sure if I want to stay in the southwest. VA would be cool and the educational opportunities would be awesome.

First Day of School

This is my first day of homeschooling. It was a lot of work just getting ready for the just 4 hours of school this morning. I was surprised how easy it was to just sit down with my children and teach them. I love the fact that we were able to go to Kit Carson Park and see his gravesite and have a built in history lesson, geography, a lesson on cities and social sciences all wrapped into one. I felt sad to see these kids stuck inside a school on such a beautiful day.